1 for All
An initiative to encourage tennis clubs in Kent to spend 1% of their gross income on programmes which open up Tennis for all.
Setting a bold yet achievable target, like dedicating just 1% of income, turns good intentions into real, impactful action! Many clubs, while supportive of inclusivity, might not be backing up their values with tangible investments. By setting a concrete goal, clubs will be actively investing in fostering diversity and making their values a living, breathing reality.
The commitment to spend 1% of income on inclusivity is more than a financial pledge; it's a step towards a collective goal of creating a more inclusive, diverse environment in which to enjoy tennis.
Clubs making the pledge will receive the One For All participation logo to be displayed on their website, social media and a plaque for their clubhouse.
Participating clubs will also be listed on a Kent Tennis One For All directory of progressive venues that have made the pledge.
For further information contact : info@kenttennis.org.uk